Rutan Aircraft Flying Experience would like to extend a Happy New Year to everyone and a heartfelt thank you for all the support. We would also like to take this opportunity to recognize a very special RAFE Volunteer, Bob Stevens.

We met Bob when he was a flight line volunteer at AirVenture 2017. He told us thirty years ago he was building a LongEZ but due to career circumstances sold the unfinished project. We introduced him to the opportunities to get back involved with Rutan designs through RAFE. Bob lives in Indianapolis and started visiting RAFE in Covington TN. He helped with repairs on RAFE airplanes and also went through our Canard Flight Academy. After 30 years Bob finally got to solo a LongEZ!

Bob's first LongEZ solo in the RAFE Jim Madsen LongEZ
He bought a very nice O-360 LongEZ and uses it to commute from Indy to Covington. In order to help get the RAFE VariViggen, “LadyVi” to Oshkosh for the 50th anniversary, last spring Bob brought his motorhome to Covington and parked it there for three months! It’s no understatement that without Bob Stevens help and dedication Lady Vi would not have made it to OsHkosh.
Bob built the instrument panels in Lady Vi
but contributed to every part of the build.
Bob is a Naval Academy graduate, was a Marine Corps OV-10 Pilot, retired from the Air National Guard as a Lt. Colonel and had a career as a an engineer for GE and Airborne Express. He serves as an advisor to the RAFE Board of Directors and is an RAFE Aircraft Owner Sponsor, using his own LongEZ to help support the mission of RAFE and an active participant in RAFE's EZ Formation Crew to help promote canard formation training.

Bob Stevens flying wingman on Lady Vi over Rough River 2022
We cherish and appreciate all our volunteers but the dedication, advice, passion for Rutan designs and time Bob has contributed to RAFE no doubt earns him this unique recognition and award as:
Rutan Aircraft Flying Experience 2022 Volunteer of the Year!
RAFE Sincerely Thanks Bob Stevens!
Ryszard Zadow
President, RAFE