Rutan Solitaire POHWith the addition the the RAFE fleet of the David Miller Solitaire we've added the official Pilot Operating Handbook. Click the link...
RAFE 6A AIRCRAFT OWNER SPONSOR PROGRAMCLICK TO DOWNLOAD: Rutan Aircraft Flying Experience Aircraft Owner Sponsorship Application The RAFE-AOS is a method to allow owners of...
Speed Canard POHTo facilitate transition training we've posted the Speed Canard POH in .PDF format. Whether you're coming for transition training or just...
RAFE 11 FLIGHT TRAINING MANUAL Rev 4-20-21CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Rutan Aircraft Flying Experience Training Manual describes the syllybus used to qualify Pilots to fly canard...
RAFE 60-1 Operations ManualCLICK TO DOWNLOAD: How RAFE conducts operations and how we fly our aircraft
RAFE 6 AIRCRAFT SPONSOR PROGRAMUse the link below to download the RAFE 6 Pilot and Sponsor Program (December 2019 rev)
Cozy III POHCLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Cozy III POH The COZY is a small, compact, high performance, high utility sportplane. It features side-by-side...
RAFE 6: PILOT & SPONSORS MANUALWhat it takes to be a Rutan Aircraft Flying Experience Aircraft and Pilot Sponsor is contained in the RAFE 6 Pilot and Sponsors Manual,...