This weekend RAFE Volunteer Cameron Bunting helped reinstall the carburetor overhauled by our RAFE Sponsor Marvel- Schebler.
Volunteers like Cameron are a key ingredient to our success. Since it’s inception RAFE was intended to get people involved. We’ve experienced incredible growth and it’s time we get some of our project volunteers to move up to staff positions! Without expanding our staff we can’t expand our organization. Think of all that’s been accomplished to date, now think of the enormous potential!
People bring new ideas, new opportunities, and more time. Each volunteer staff addition will be a force multiplier to give RAFE more time to grow, and grow we will!
Our Sponsorship program needs someone that can connect our donated aircraft to Aircraft Sponsors so we've created a Director of Aircraft Sponsors. Flight training has become one of our biggest operations and we're looking for a volunteer to be Director of Flight Training. A 501C3 Compliance Director is needed to monitor RAFE’s compliance with the rules of an IRS 501C3 Non-Profit organization. And these are just a few of the opportunities to join the team!
Check out the links below and see if your skills meet the need. If you have a skill that doesn’t match one of these spots, there’s still plenty to be accomplished, so drop us a line and let’s talk.
Thank you and I look forward to working with the growing groupof volunteers that help RAFE grow.